...The Artist si not a star, he’s rather a worker Who, in the solitude of his studio uses his wisdom to the service of his genius...
Lorenzo Cascio


Lorenzo Cascio, sculptor and painter, born in Sicily in 1940, lives and works in Portofino.
He started his career as a ceramist in Sciacca, his native town, where he opened a school which brought restored the lost ancient tradition of the ceramic art.
He was a teacher of sculpture at the local High School of the Arts until 1983
Lorenzo Cascio constantly exhibits in many world galleries, and his works are in museums, artistic collections, religious and public buildings.
The inspiring theme of his Art are the Greek myth, the myths of the Christianity which... [read more]


Cascio Art Gallery

Tel: +39.335.60.85.527
Mail: info@cascio.it
Calata Marconi 26
Portofino – Genova